Dagny's World

Perhaps there is life beyond Craigslist.

Sunday, February 27

New home

Well, I have finally succeeded in doing what I have been threatening to do for years -- find a new place to live. I am proud to say that I am now a resident of the People's Republic of Berkeley. Well, I will be as soon as I move all of my stuff over there. After getting off work yesterday, I spent most of the rest of the weekend taking carloads of stuff over. I own way too much. I haven't even started on my clothing, let alone the big items.

I can't wait to be out of suburbia hell. I have missed being able to just walk out my door and find things to do. Perhaps I will be able to come up with some more interesting posts. Having to drive everywhere has curtailed my ability to get into trouble. I believe that's what has been missing from my life. Either way, I'll be sure to let my readers (hopefully there are more of you out there besides Gloria) know.

Friday, February 25

Dreaming of the tropics


I know I shouldn't be complaining, but it still isn't warm enough here for me. Today it was in the 60s. This time of year that's pretty warm. At least it isn't raining around here like it is in southern California either. Of course, up this way, we're used to rain like that in the winter. It's a shame that I've been saving up money to move. Otherwise I could just blow it all on yet another trip to Barbados. I just wish that spring would hurry up and come.

Wednesday, February 23

Continuing Tale of the Cousin

So now the latest on my 20 year old cousin is that she plans to bring her new beau to our family reunion this summer. I personally think that she has lost her mind. I would only subject a man to my family if I was serious enough about him to contemplate marriage. Our family is mostly male. They therefore like to dream that the women -- well, at least those related by blood -- are chaste and pure. My cousin's older brother has stated on numerous occasions that he does not believe that she should date until she is 35. Insane, right? Our uncles are not much better.

I remember when I was around 13 and my dad's friends pointed out that I was becoming quite the "looker." My dad's response was that he might just have to invest in a shotgun so that he could greet perspective beaux. Ah, the joys of having Southerners as parents. (My dear mother believed that potential dates had to first be "interviewed." This interrogation was to take place days before the possible date so that my parents could determine if I would be even allowed to go on the date.)

My cousin has a similar mother to mine. Well, her mother is actually worse. Her mother told me recently that she does not think that her daughter should date until finishing college. Once more, what kind of insanity is that?

When I think of my family, I keep wondering what century this is.

Tuesday, February 22

Today's Perplexing Question

I usually have at least one question that vexes me each day. Sometimes I ignore it. This time I decided to do some research.

I have spent too much time reading Jane Austen novels, I suppose. As a result, I have always kind of wondered what a guinea was. How much was it worth? I really feel that there should be footnotes for these kinds of things. How did this question arise once more, you ask? Today I was flipping through Schott's Food and Drink Miscellany when I came upon the page listing wages for servants in times past. It stated that most servants were paid in guineas. Those who weren't had the amounts listed as Pounds Sterling. Once more, there was loads of text but no explanation in this text of what a guinea was. It seems to me that Ben Schott could have been kind enough to include this information, but noooo...

For those of you who have pondered this question as I have, here is the answer finally. What is a guinea?

Now I can sleep peacefully tonight.

Thursday, February 17

Young Love

So I was driving home from work one evening about a couple of weeks ago (at a respectable hour for once) and decided to call my 20 year old cousin. What a mistake that was. For the first fifteen minutes of the conversation, my contribution was "uh huh," "oh really," and "how nice."

My cousin lives in the heart of the Bible belt. That alone could make her naive. Add onto that the fact that she attended a Christian school for high school. Even worse? She in now in college and her mother thinks that she should not date until she finishes college. I see loads of therapy in her future. Thank goodness she's a psychology major.

Back to our conversation though. She thinks that her boy is totally sweet and nice. I think he's a player. He had her meet him at his house and then took her to the spot where he likes to go to write poetry. (He's dropped out of college because he believes that God has given him a gift and that college is not necessary. Of course this poetry is apparently the kind that you can find at Hallmark.) When they reach the spot, there is blanket and I believe a small picnic already set up. He then chooses this moment to kiss her for the first time. I was so close to throwing up, it wasn't funny. I was driving at the time and decided that throwing up could seriously impair my driving ability. She really needs to get out more so that she can see just how oily this guy really is.

I started writing this post before I acquired the instant boyfriend. Maybe I was just being a bitter old hag. Nah, I don't think so.

Sunday, February 6

An evening out

Last night I headed out with two really good friends to celebrate the birthday of one of them. (How depressing to realize that we will be 40 next year.) We don't get out as much as we used to because they are both married and have children.

Per usual, my one friend (actually since we have known each other since I was seven, she is my oldest friend) stated, "We should do this at least once a month." Every time we all get together every six months or so, she says this. Why don't we get together more often? Because they have husbands and kids. She had wanted to see comedy this weekend but there was no one in town that we really wanted to see. She had asked me earlier in the week to check for later dates. I discovered that D. L. Hughley will be in town at the end of the month at Cobb's Comedy. What's the problem with this outing? It's the same weekend as her husband's birthday.

Back to last night. We had thought of going to Zuni Cafe, but instead went to Absinthe. The cocktails were fab. The appetizers were fab. The meals were fab. (I had the cassoulet.) I haven't had this satisfying a culinary experience in some time.

We then headed around the corner to Citizen Cake for dessert. When we arrived, we found out that there would be a 45 minute wait for a table. That was ok though because the hostess offered to get us drinks and we were able to browse the display cases. My one complaint is that it seems like they should have a daily menu as you are allowed to order items in the case but many are not on the menu. After seeing so many, it was difficult to remember them all by the time we were finally seated. Fortunately we were able to describe one of the creations adequately enough that the server brought the correct one. We also liked that they had coat check. The other fun was the people watching as the symphony (or was it the opera or the ballet?) let out. (My confusion on which is because all are in the area.) My friends accused me of selecting the seat facing the window so that I could watch the men who were alone walk past. It is not my fault that so many of them were good-looking.

We finally poured ourselves out of the restaurant and into the minivan. I spent more than I should have, but it was well worth it.

Friday, February 4

Dating is hell

So I went on my date last night. (For details see Why I hate dating)

I have spent the day in emails with various friends trying to analyze the whole situation. Gloria seems to think that everything went well. I'm not too sure it did. My best friend from high school sees it all differently. She used to be friend's with the guy's younger brother. Also her older brother was the guy's best friend. Therefore, she's had loads of time to observe him. She thinks that I'm a little to high energy for him. Perhaps I intimidated him. I've heard that a few times before. Since I have not had an answer to my usual thank you email at this point, I am just going to assume that I should just move on.

My high school friend also advised me that there are plenty of divorcees out there in my age range who just made the mistake of marrying young. I told her I already know one of those. He's a large part of the reason why I gave up dating for three years. I couldn't trust my judgment anymore. The problem is that now I think I'm a little too guarded. Or maybe I'm just too honest. I don't know. I hope to figure it out soon.

Wednesday, February 2

Oscar Predictions

I am mildly obsessed with movies. OK. That might be an understatement. Each year a group of friends and I try to come up with our own Oscar predictions. I will probably revise my list as the various Guild awards are announced. (You have to check out the general buzz and the Guild awards as well as the Golden Globes to get an accurate feel for the possible recipients.)

The DGA award went to Clint Eastwood for Million Dollar Baby, so he is clearly the front-runner in the Director category. It's kind of shame because that means that once more Martin Scorcese will be denied.

The SAG awards are this weekend. The buzz seems to be for Jamie Foxx for Ray, Hilary Swank for Million Dollar Baby, and Cate Blanchett for The Aviator. Usually by this time of the year, I have seen most of the nominees. I have been a slacker and not seen as many movies as usual so I think I'll be sitting this out to see the SAG results.

I do feel a little comfortable in thinking that Alan Alda will receive the Best Supporting Actor award. He's older and has never received an Oscar before. Of course, maybe Morgan Freeman will sneak up on him.

I'll be updating my predictions over the coming weeks and will of course have locked in my selections before the awards on 27 February. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, February 1

A Splendid Day

Today could not get any better. I have a date later this week. Check out A Very Surreal Day for details on how I pulled that one off. I told a friend last night and the first thing she asked was, "What are you going to wear?" I cannot even begin to think of that right now because I know that I will obsess.

My boss had to calculate our month end numbers. I just started in this position in December. When I came in, there hadn't been a full team in place in months. The higher-ups have been giving us loads of grief because we haven't been making numbers. Well, this month we did. We figure that they can complain about all the nitpicky things all they want to at this point. As long as we make our numbers each month, then we're proving that we know how to do our jobs.

Bottom line is I just refuse to believe that anything bad can happen this week. (And it better not.)